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Pressure Campaign


It is crucially important that we keep up the pressure on the INS. Amer's next hearing date is November 6th, 2003; our goal is to stop all proceedings against Amer before this hearing happens. This means that we must resume our letter, fax, and phone-call campaign with full force.


1) Most importantly, BE THERE TO STOP THE DEPORTATION OF AMER JUBRAN at his final trial NOVEMBER 6th at 8 AM at the JFK FEDERAL BUILDING in GOVERNMENT CENTER, BOSTON. Copies of a flyer with information about Amer Jubran's trial can be downloaded here.

2) On October 15th and 16th, join a nationwide call for delegations to your local Bureau of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (BICE, formerly INS) Office of Detention and Removal (see below for additional information regarding local BICE offices near you and talking points for delegations);

3) On October 16th, call the office of Rick Neville (the prosecuting attorney in Amer Jubran's trial) at 617-565-3140 to voice your concerns and demand an end to the deportation proceedings (see talking points below);

4) Send the sample letter to Rick Neville expressing your outrage at the Department of Homeland Security's continued attempts to silence Amer Jubran through federal harrassment and illegitimate deportation.

  • We encourage you to write your own letter if possible, but if you are unable to do so, please sign this letter.
  • We also urge you to make copies of this letter and distribute it at local events for mass mailing.
  • Please mail to Rick Neville and cc Bruce Chadbourne and your local State Senator.



On October 15th and 16th, we are asking for activists who fight for the preservation of civil liberites, immigrant rights, and/or Palestinian rights to form Amer Jubran Defense delegations in Boston, Washington, New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Detroit, Charlotte, Chicago, Seattle, Salt Lake City, Phoenix, and other cities throughout the nation to attempt to meet with directors of their local BICE Office of Detention and Removal to voice their concerns and outrage at the federal harrassment and attempted deportation of Palestinian activist Amer Jubran.

This is your opportunity to take a stand against political targeting of activists and immigrants and stand for freedom of speech and immigrant rights.

If you are unable to coordinate a delegation or go to your local BICE office on October 15th or 16th, we encourage you to call your local BICE office instead on those dates.

Suggested talking points for delegations and phone campaign

1) Briefly restate your concerns regarding the illegality of Mr.Jubran'sarrest (for details see www.amerjubrandefense.org).

  • Stress that the Department of Homeland Security and the FBI collaborated to target a well-known political activist and violated Mr. Jubran's constitutional right to due process.
  • Remember, the FBI attempted to question Mr. Jubran concerning his legal and constitutionally protected political activities as an advocate for Palestinian rights, and threatened him with indefinite INS detention if he refused to 'cooperate.' The INS arrested him only after he insisted on his right to counsel during this attempted FBI interrogation.
  • Reassert your belief that this is a political arrest.

2) Ask why Rick Neville, the prosecuting attorney in Amer Jubran's case has made repeated efforts to continue and delay the trial?

  • On July 24th, he asked for a continuance when the judge stated that he was ready to make a finding in favor of Amer Jubran.
  • Regarding the trial of September 25th (the continuance date initially agreed upon by Neville), he later claimed to have "pre-existing plans" to take a driving trip to Indiana for an event for which he had "pre-paid tickets." We know that Mr. Neville was in his office in Boston on September 25th till at least 11:30 AM.

3) Why is there evidence of significant FBI surveillance of the legally permitted political activities of Amer Jubran and other members of the New England Committee to Defend Palestine?

4) If this is an immigration trial, why did FBI agents attempt to intimidate and harrass witnesses for Amer Jubran's defense one week before his trial in July (in one instance holding his ex-wife's sister for questioning for 9 hours and in another instance attempting to convince witnesses for Amer Jubran's defense that he had anything to do with 9/11)? What evidence do they have to support such a ridiculous claim? Why are FBI agents involved at all if this is an immigration case?

5) How much longer do they intend to drag out this "immigration" trial?

6) Demand that the Department of Homeland Security end its illegitimate deportation proceedings against Amer Jubran.


Contact information for Boston and Washington D.C.
Additional Contact information around the country

Charlotte, North Carolina Charlotte Sub Office
6130 Tyvola Centre Drive
Charlotte, NC 28217
(704) 672-6938

Chicago District Office 10 West Jackson Boulevard
Chicago, Illinois 60604
(312) 385-1724
or ( 708) 449-2985

Detroit, Michigan Detroit District
333 Mt. Elliot
Detroit, MI 48207
(313) 568-6046

Los Angeles, California Los Angeles Field Office
Detention and Removal Operations
300 North Los Angeles Street
7th Floor, Room 7621
(Except on Thursday, 2nd floor, Room 2204)
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Office Hours: 7:30 AM to 4:00 PM
(213) 830-5160

New York New York City District Office
26 Federal Plaza
New York City, NY 10278
(212) 264-5970
(212) 264-5971

Phoenix District
2035 North Central Avenue
Phoenix, AZ 85004
(602)379-4035 or
(520) 466-2000 ext 312, 313 or 314

Salt Lake City Sub Office 5272 South College Drive, #100
Murray, UT 84123
(801) 313-4260

San Francisco, California:
Ronald Le Fevre
San Francisco Chief Counsel
United States Immigration and Customs Enforcement
Department of Homeland Security
550 Kearny Street, Suite 1000
San Francisco, CA 94108
(415) 705-4604 (general phone number)
Nancy Alcantar
Detention and Removal
630 Sansome Street
San Francisco, CA 94111
(415) 844-5512
(415) 844-5651
Monday - Friday: 7:45 AM to 4:00 PM

Seattle, Washington:
Assistant District Director Detention and Removal
George L Morones
815 Airport Way S
Seattle, WA 98134
(206) 467-6046
